About MPO

Milborne Port Opera remains strictly amateur in spirit but has now become highly professional in delivery by talented actors, singers and producers, aged between 17 and 70.

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MPO is run on strictly democratic lines: we elect a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer at an Annual General Meeting shortly after the annual show, and there is a small Board of Management. The Chairman normally sounds out potential Producers who are invited to make a presentation to the AGM of what show they would like to stage the following spring. In the unusual event that there is more than one candidate those present are invited to vote on their preference and the successful Producer puts together a management team to ensure that everything happens on time. It then falls to the Producer and his or her chosen Musical Director to audition and cast the show which is done after some initial sing-throughs in early September.

Rehearsals now take place in the Village School Hall between 8 and 10pm every Thursday until the date of the show, with a short break over Christmas.

We actively encourage young people to take part, nowadays because of legislation surrounding school-age children on stage, from the age of 16 but we have had younger performers and backstage workers. Many of these have been children of cast members but we have been successful in attracting others from local schools. Inevitably, given our location, many of our young recruits move away to university and jobs further afield but some return and re-join. It is certain that without such new blood the Society will, eventually, fail, so we continue to search for young members. At the same time, are happy to welcome anybody, of any age, who can sing in tune and show a rudimentary acting ability, whether or not they have previously been on stage or can read music. It is easy to teach people who are enthusiastic and some of our best performers still have difficulty in reading a score!

We are deeply indebted to the Committee of management of Milborne Port Village Hall and the residents of Milborne Port, various members of which give up their weekly activity, for allowing us the use of the Village Hall for one week each year. Without their support and understanding we would not be able to continue to bring music, fun and laughter to our audiences.

Where Your Money Goes

A breakdown of our costs for putting on a show

Where your money goes